About the Owner
Hi there! I'm Ashley. That's me to the right. I'm a
twentysomething from Connecticut. I attended a private women's college in Western
Massachusetts and am now a graduate student at another
private women's college in Boston. I love my adopted home north of the border, but I will always be a proud Nutmegger.
I'm a little non-traditional – I started out at a community college and am on the slow road towards my Ph.D. – but I like things that way. My Associate's is in Liberal Arts with a focus on English and Political Science, and my Bachelor's is in an interdisciplinary field that involves philosophy, literature, and the social sciences. I'm planning a career in Anthropology or Cultural Studies. I love the teaching field and am currently working in a college learning center as a social sciences tutor.
I am the youngest of seven children. My father is from Vermont and my mother is from the Bahamas. I am the only redhead in my family, although my father was a redhead until his color changed as an adult. I am tall and happily curvy. I wear sensible shoes and have no idea how to apply makeup. You can usually find me in jeans and a comfortable (and preferably green) sweater.
I live for books, winter, writing, aimless drives, New England, travel, dreams of backpacking across Europe, volunteer work, civic service, folk music, current events and commentary, friends, philosophy, and hanging out with my dad on weekends. I am also a Troubles-Checker for The Fanlistings Network (Literature, People Miscellany, and Places categories) and formerly for The Namelistings Network.
Some other random things...I have celiac disease, so I have to follow a ridiculously strict diet that basically means I can't eat anything that tastes good. My favorite book is The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera. I've visited 35 American states, the District of Columbia, two Canadian provinces, two Mexican states, and several Bahamian islands and cays. I love penguins, the color green, manatees, cats, history, comfy blankets, and rural areas. My favorite sites to visit are the National Mall and the Independence National Historical Park (home of the Liberty Bell!) in Philadelphia. That's about all I can think of to say about myself. :)
In terms of fanlistings, I joined my very first (for Robert Frost's "The Road Not Taken," which I now own) way back in March 2005, but I didn't really get involved in the fanlistings community as another other than a member until fall 2007, when I had my first approval (for my beloved Antigone). Since then, I've become active on the boards and beyond. Although I do have quite a few listings at this point, I am very selective when it comes to applying and will only apply for subjects that I genuinely love and ones I feel like are worthy to me of the intensive time commitment to them. Most of my listings are very, very small and appeal to a few similarly nerdy people, but that's okay. :) My "fandoms" are usually over books and ideas, not films and stars, and I like it that way. :)